Monday 7 March 2016

How to Get an On the Spot Offer at an Education Fair?

Whether you attend an education fair in Delhi or another city, you may find that some colleges offer college admissions on the spot to some students as well. This is because a college may every once in a while find an exceptional student who would add value to their college as much as they would give in return.

Study Overseas Education Fair

On the spot offers although rare, are not tough to find. Colleges do not give an acceptance letter to students simply on the basis of their marks. Follow these tips to ensure you portray yourself in an attractive manner at an education fair and benefit from such offers-

Keep Up the GPA

It may not be everything but having a well balanced and high GPA figure is one of the major areas a college will focus on. It is important to have a decent GPA and score to get picked by a college for an on the spot admission seat.

Volunteering and Community Service

Colleges focus on not only the marks but the value of a student. Considering the prestige of the colleges attending such an event, they want to know that you are a well rounded person with encompassing development. Try to carve some time out for a volunteering activity or community service as it can show your sense of responsibility towards a better society as well.

Be a Master

Try to explore avenues and activities to find something you love. When you are passionate about an activity it is easier to master as well. Such pursuits add the value of commitment to your package. Such undertakings also show that you are a person who can get involved in things. Activities such as learning a new language can be a good business decision. If you are learning a language local to the country you are applying to, it can also make the move easier for you.

Build a Strong Network

Do not hesitate to start a conversation or ask for contact details at an education fair. Such events are the best place to start building a network. You never know when you may be in need of a particular person or number.

Maintain Clean Tracks

From your attendance records to activity logs, when you have a clean record, it shows a pattern. When a college considers a student for on the spot admission, they want to know they have made the best decision possible.

Portray a Sense of Commitment and Involvement

Whether it is an internship or some other activity, portraying a sense of involvement is a crucial factor to the decision. Colleges do not want someone who may simply get a good score, but also someone who can increase the overall value of the college. Even if you are an introvert, there is no better time to let go of that notion and change your personality.

Build a Long Lasting Impression

Find a way to stand out from the crowd. Your dressing sense, manner of speaking and such subtle nuances may actually be what makes or breaks the decision. Try to leave an impression on the college representatives when interacting with them to increase your chances of getting offered on the spot admissions.

Being offered a prestigious on the spot admission seat is all about packaging yourself in an attractive manner. Play the odds to try an increase your chances of getting an acceptance offer with the above guide.


During education fairs, you may often find colleges offering select students on the spot admissions. Use this guide to increase your chances of being one of these few students too.


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