Thursday 18 February 2016

How to Maximize your Time at an Education Fair?

[caption id="attachment_91" align="aligncenter" width="606"]Study Overseas Education Fair Image Credits: Study Overseas Global Education Fair[/caption]

Planning to go for higher education? Worried about how to gather information about foreign universities? Eager to know the admission procedures followed by varied overseas institutions? Don’t know if scholarships are granted by the foreign university of your choice? “Yes”? Visit a world education fair in your city to get answers to your queries. If you are based in India’s capital city, attending the best education fair in Delhi would be apt. Now, the question is: how to maximize your time at an education fair. Read this blog to know the details.

Guidance on How to Make Best Use of an Education Fair

Look down to get tips on how to make best use of time at an education fair:

  • Visit the Event with a Goal:

Prior to visiting the fair, you should gather detailed information on the fair. A thorough research on the internet will help you acquire information on the fair. Extract details about which universities of which countries are participating in the event. Plan out the questions that you want to get solved during your interactions with the university delegates at the fair. Do not forget that your prime aim will be to extract authentic information and get practical insights into the wide range of study options available in the country and university of your choice.

  • Speak to the Right University:

Do a thorough research on the universities that are participating in the fair you want to attend. Based on the information gathered about the universities, shortlist a few universities. On visiting the fair, talk only to the universities you have shortlisted. This would save you a lot of time. Those who visit an education fair without research get confused about which institution to approach. Planning in advance would help you proceed smoothly, without any confusion.

Compare the information gathered from the delegates of the shortlisted universities and determine the university and study program that would be apt for you. Do not forget to extract details regarding the availability of scholarships and the criteria for eligibility. Visa application tips are also offered to the students attending the education fairs.

  • Jot Down the Important Details:

Make sure that you jot down the necessary information that you gather by attending an education fair. Jotting down of the details would help you make the right decision about where to study. Do not forget to gather information on the study destination of your choice. Gathering right information on your preferred study destination would let you know if the place is favourable for studying and prospering on completion of your course.

Apart from remembering the aforementioned tips, you should make sure that you take along with your educational certificates. Without reviewing your credentials, the counsellors present at the education fair in Delhi would not be able to form an idea about your subject of interest, your strengths and weaknesses. This would prevent them from providing you with the right guidance. Thus, carry your academic certificates while visiting an education fair and get the right suggestions.