Thursday 11 May 2017

Common mistakes students make when applying for study abroad scholarships

Studying in a foreign university of your dreams is not a cakewalk and for some students it can be financially challenging as well. However, the hurdle of finances can be overcome by way of scholarships. Many students think of scholarship as – write the application and wait for the money to roll in. Writing scholarships is not as simple as it sounds. But you can certainly improve your odds of success by not making some of the common mistakes

Not applying for the scholarships
One common myth in the minds of the students is that scholarship process is too long, they don’t stand a chance for the scholarship, their application will be rejected upfront etc. Because of these unjustified assumptions, a surprisingly large number of students simply don’t apply for the scholarships. This is the biggest mistake that is repeated continuously by many students every year. However, if you attend education fair Pune, you will have your misconceptions cleared and you will be able to make an informed choice. It is recommended you should not miss the scholarship just because of your wrong assumptions.

Applying for wrong scholarship
Remember you can only get the scholarship you are eligible for. With countless scholarships listing, it becomes a daunting task to select the right scholarship for you. You should do a thorough research and read the terms and conditions of the scholarship before applying for it. No point putting in lot of time and effort in filling the forms of those scholarships for which you are not eligible for. A well-researched and read mind will be fairly useful in this scenario. Hence always make use of scholarship listings, notifications and databases to identify scholarships that closely match your profile.

Missing the deadline
This is a very straight forward and common mistake that usually costs many students their scholarships and thus they have to wait until next year. This is the easiest mistake that can be avoided simply by being proactive and keeping an eye on all the deadlines. Experts from education fair Pune advise students to start early in the process of scholarship application so that you complete well within the deadline. A critical thing to note here is that each scholarship listing would have different deadline and hence it is important to start researching at least a year in advance and then make a priority order and adhere to it.

Leaving mistakes in your application
The last thing you would want in your scholarship application is that the reviewer or the panel spots typos, factual errors or grammatical mistakes. Please believe that it will leave a negative impression on the reviewer and will leave him displeased; a fatal error that can even cost your scholarship for that year. It is highly recommended that you do a full proof reading of your application or even ask a friend, senior or any mentor who has an eye for detail. It is always a good practice to get your application reviewed by a fresh pair of eyes before finally submitting it. Factual errors can be avoided by reading the application terms carefully and preparing a rough draft of your answers before actually finalizing them.

All the above four mistakes outlined above have a common solution. You should give due amount of time and effort while applying for scholarship. There is no point applying for it at the eleventh hour and then regret later. In addition, prepare your answers well in advanced and get it reviewed by an expert before finally sending it off.