Thursday 9 February 2017

Top Reasons You Still Haven't Gotten the Hang of a Foreign Language

Speaking a completely new language can be a challenging feat to accomplish. however, learning a new language is not only a great way to blend into your study abroad destination but also add some great value to your resume. Experts at the World Education Fair suggest some common mistakes students made that can make learning a new language tougher:

Don't Just Listen to Your Set Music Playlists

Listening to music that reminds you of home is a great way to curb your home sick sensation. However, it is a much better idea to include some local music and simple songs in the foreign language you are learning in order to pick up words easily. The constant replaying of certain songs and stimulating your mind to learn in a non-academic environment can help you boost language development.

Stop Learning from Just Your Textbook

If your textbook is the only book you are reading from, no wonder it is taking you longer than most people to pick up words. Try to get creative with the material you read. from local newspapers in the regional language to flyers, language books for children to translated classics, try to find as much material as you can in order to improve your reading skills. this can drastically help give your grammar some structure as well.

Start Talking

Its okay to fumble around with proper sentences when learning a new language. the best way to learn faster is to start talking to as many people as possible. This will help you build your own confidence when speaking in a foreign language. Constructive criticism and constant corrections by the people you are interacting with can also be a great way of improving your linguistic skills for free. Don't just use your foreign language in class, start conversations with as many people as you find to learn something new!

Sticking to your Own Ethnic Groups

While it is amazing to have found a group of friends who seem like your own, do not shy away from being a part of diverse groups. having local friends can change the way you explore and experience a new destination. Conversing with them in a local language is the best way to pick up regional pronunciations as well as the most commonly used terms. after all, practical knowledge is far greater then simply theoretical learning.

The Theory of Forgetfulness

For some people, remembering things, even simple ones is a tough task. As a student learning a new language, you can deal with forgetfulness by devising your own study material. Cue cards taped across your room or a digital translator can help you learn words and phrases on the go. keeping a small journal handy can also help you jot down essential phrases or words you need to look up the meaning for. 

Common Phrases to Know When Traveling Anywhere
Here are some essential phrases to learn how to say before you go aboard for your higher studies.list of basic phrases that you should learn before you visit a foreign country.

Study abroad consultants at the World Education Fair suggest students to review the new language they aspire to learn before hand. This can help students avoid having to regret their decision halfway into the program.
Plan on learning a new language while you pursue a course abroad? Avoid making these common mistakes to ensure you master a foreign language with ease!